Betty runs for the office of President against Mr. Nobody. Both candidates state their platform through song and dance, referring to political issues of the time. Not long after this cartoon was released, Herbert Hoover was defeated by Franklin D. Roosevelt in the 1932 presidential election.
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July 8, 2019 (edited)
We Could Use Her Now
Betty Boop For President - she'd certainly beat the opposition. A clever cartoon with Betty supporting a rather liberal platform - the mug of beer says
it all. And U.S. Prohibition didn't end until December 5, 1933, WAy to go Betty - and the Fleischers.
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September 5, 2010 Subject:
Very very great movie carton
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March 31, 2010 Subject:
And Chocolate Ice-Cream
A great animation, upbeat and genuinely funny.
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October 8, 2009 Subject:
Unlike the people below me im going to give this a proper rating
This cartoon was a great Betty Boop Cartoon, it deserves 5 stars Betty Boop for president she is voiced by mae questel in this Cartoon They
later remade this story for Olive oyl from the popeye series which mae questel also voiced, seems mae questel got to do the part 2 diffrent times
Reviewer:Peter Cushing Hammer Horror
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October 30, 2008 Subject:
still relevant today?
A cartoon from a by gone era but the themes are still relevant today. Goverments just want our vote then once in power we are treated like " Mr nobodys"
Reviewer:Olivia Lovag
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October 30, 2008 Subject:
Very Good.
I toggled 4 stars because the video quality is so low, but still, the cartoon is great!! And, despite the fact that it talks about some old american political/historical
issues, it does not look dated, at all; and being from another country myself, i can say it does not apply only to american politics but to quite some other coutries politics too, so you see there's sort of a universal quality to it. And not to say it's also hilarious. It's a shame the video quality is so poor!